St John's CE (VA) J and I School

Our intent is to develop pupils who can…

Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics;
reason mathematically;
can solve problems by applying their mathematics. (National Curriculum 2014)

Click here to view the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS) overview.


How do we promote learning in Maths?

At St John’s Church School we know that mathematics is important in everyday life. We all enjoy maths and can succeed if we:
Work hard to become fluent.
Push ourselves to reason.
Don’t give up when problem solving is challenging.

 Whole school Curriculum Overview for Maths.

“I love helping Tiny the tortoise when he gets his maths wrong!”  Rebecca Y2
“I love active maths and winning Motty in Friday assembly!” Sam Y4

What does Maths look like at St John's?

We want all children to enjoy mathematics and to experience success in the subject. We follow a mastery approach where all pupils are taught to their year group expectation with challenge for the more able and support for those who need it. We are committed to developing children’s curiosity, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics.

Fieldhead, Off Leymoor Road, GOLCAR, Huddersfield, HD7 4QQ

01484 644444