St John's CE (VA) J and I School

Welcome to Silver Class (Year 6)


Mr P Dinning (Computing and PE Lead)


Mrs S Kain

Mrs C Lutz

Mrs D Hosker (HLTA)


Teaching and Learning in Silver Class

As a Christian school learning from and about religion is fundamental to everything we do.  We learn about different religions in dedicated RE lesson as well as learning about Christian values in Class Worship each Thursday.

In Silver Class, independent learning is promoted at all times. We believe that it is important for the children to take responsibility for their work (both school and home work), and they are always encouraged to take a pride in what they do. We cover all of the National Curriculum subjects, making cross-curricular links in as many places as possible to reinforce learning and help the children to consolidate what they know. This learning is furthered with educational trips, visits from professionals and strong links with local High Schools.

In Silver Class we strive to prepare the children academically for the SATs in May, but also for when they transfer to High School. In connection with this, we do lots of work through PSHCE and RE in the Summer Term to help the class prepare emotionally for their transition to High School and the challenges they may face.


It is important that Year 6 children read on a regular basis with an adult. Not only is this important for improving fluency and speed, but questioning from adult to child (and vice versa) is fundamental in developing comprehension skills.

Homework is set weekly on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Thursday.  Homework consists of: reading, spellings, practising times tables, numeracy and a piece of Literacy/topic work to support our learning in class.

Other information:

  • School uniform and PE kit needs to be clearly labelled. PE is Wednesdays and Fridays, please wear PE kit on these days.
  • Encourage your child to keep a water bottle in school to keep hydrated and refreshed.
  • Please let the school and the class teacher know if your child has any allergies that we do not already know about, or needs to take any medication. Medication consent forms are available at the school office.
  • Please remind your child to bring a warm, waterproof coat every day in the winter months.

If you need to discuss anything with Mr Dinning, please feel free to make an appointment before or after school.

Books for Topics has picked out 50 recommended books for ages 10 - 11. Click here to access the list.

Fieldhead, Off Leymoor Road, GOLCAR, Huddersfield, HD7 4QQ

01484 644444