St John's CE (VA) J and I School

St John's Church

As a faith school, our Christian ethos is very important to St. John’s school. As well as helping to educate the whole child, both personally and academically, we feel that visitors to our school experience the calm, respectful atmosphere which our Christian ethos brings.

Our link with St. John’s Church is an important and necessary aspect in the daily maintenance of this nurturing atmosphere, not forgetting that our wide curriculum of studying other faiths leads to deeper understanding and respect of others.

The Governing Body is made up of some members known as Foundation Governors, whose appointment has to be agreed by either St. John’s PCC or Leeds Diocese. Although Foundation Governors are not bound to be affiliated to either, they must uphold the school’s Christian ethos and its importance, which they are very pleased to do.

Attendance at St. John’s – or at another Christian church – is an important part of our Admission’s Policy in non-covid19 times.

The school’s link with St. John’s Church is both vital and valued for both. In non-covid19 times, the church welcomes the whole school, plus parents and carers, to four services each year: the Easter Service, the Leavers’ Service, the Harvest Service and the Carol Service. Fr. Simon and Rev. Susan Askey are very happy to take whole school assemblies in non-covid19 times. St. John’s Church organises tokens, e.g., bookmarks, to be given to leavers in Years 6 each year to remind them of this important link as they leave for secondary schools.

We all feel the value of this link which is vital to the promotion of Christian values.

Sylvia Hanson – Parish Administrator at St. John’s Church.


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Fieldhead, Off Leymoor Road, GOLCAR, Huddersfield, HD7 4QQ

01484 644444