Welcome to St John's J & I School, Golcar website
Our School Vision Statement
"They come this way only once, so we should aim
to pave their pathways
with quality learning experiences."
I have taught you wisdom and the right way to live.
Your education is your life - guard it well
Proverbs 4:11-13
St John's is a church school with a positive ethos firmly embedded in strong Christian values. These values help our children to flourish as they begin their learning journey in our school. There is a real sense of community and a warmth that impacts on the achievements children make during their time with us.
We have a strong bond with our local village church, St John's, and the children attend special services and workshops that further embed their Christian faith.
'Together, you have created a school which is firmly rooted in its Christian values of love, honesty, forgiveness, respect and friendship.'
'Parents say you are a nurturing school which instils good values. Pupils are well behaved and care about the school.' Ofsted October 2018
St. John’s is highly inclusive and allows ‘nothing to stand in the way’ of its pupils.
Several parents agreed that when they needed someone,
the staff were there for them.
Siams Inspection report 2019
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Well-being and Mental Health
The mental health and well-being of our children is important to us. Below are some links to information and websites of which we hope will be helpful. If you wish to discuss any concerns you may have, please feel free to have a chat with a member of staff.
Activities for Dealing with Anger
School Prayer
This is our school. Let peace dwell here.
Let the room be full of contentment.
Let love abide here. Love of one another.
Love of mankind. Love of life itself. And love of God.
Let us remember that as many hands make a house,
so many hearts make a school.
Fieldhead, Off Leymoor Road, GOLCAR, Huddersfield, HD7 4QQ
01484 644444