St John's CE (VA) J and I School

 Welcome to Blue Class (Year 1)


Mrs Rosemary Marchington (RE Subject Lead)

Mrs Mandy Shackleton (Geography Lead)


Miss C Dyson

Miss C Easterbrook

Miss A Knott (PPA)


Teaching and Learning in Blue Class:

As a Christian school, learning from and about religion is fundamental to everything we do.  In Year 1, we start to learn about Islam and compare aspects of it to our experience of Christianity, as well as focussing on Christian values in class worship.  We learn about society and how we can be healthy and happy citizens through our weekly circle time activities and PHSCE sessions.

In Blue class we follow the National Frameworks for Maths and English.  We use our structured continuous play provision areas – role-play, construction, small world, sand & water, as well as English and Maths to develop learning alongside Foundation subjects.


It is important that Year 1 children read every day with an adult.

Homework is set weekly on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Thursday.  Homework consists of: daily reading; one other piece of English, Maths or topic work to support our learning in class.

Other information:

Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled. The children should come to school wearing  PE kit on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Please encourage your child to bring a full water bottle to school every day, to help avoid dehydration.

Please let the school and the class teachers know if your child has any allergies that we do not already know about, or needs to take any medication.

Please remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months.

If you need to discuss anything with any of the teachers in Blue class, please feel free to make an appointment before or after school.  We will be more than happy to help you!

Books for Topics has picked out 50 recommended books for ages 5 - 6. Click here to access the list.

Fieldhead, Off Leymoor Road, GOLCAR, Huddersfield, HD7 4QQ

01484 644444